Athletes should be prepared to perform the following physiological assessments.
[Electronic Timing Games & Other Electronic Equipment will be utilized]
Maximum Velocity
10y, 40 yd dash
*Athletes will participate in sprint testing to assess the measures of acceleration and maximum velocity.
Agility/Change of Direction
Field Players: 505 Assessment, Reverse 505 Assessment w/Stick
*The 505 & Reverse 505 assess 180 degree turning ability, acceleration, deceleration in a field hockey specific format.
-Mark start line, 10m and 15m with cones. Athlete runs to 15m line, turns and runs back through the 10m line. Timing begins when the athlete gets through the 10m line on the way to the 15m line and stops when the athlete crosses the 10m line after their turn.
-Reverse: Similar setup, stick in hand. Athlete runs to the 15m line and backpedals through the 10m line. Timing begins when the athlete gets through the 10m line on the way to the 15m line and stops when the athlete backpedals through the 10m line.
Goalkeepers: 5-10-5 Assessment
-Place 3 cones 5 yards apart. The player straddles the middle line, one hand in contact with the ground in three-point stance. Player turns right, sprints 5 yards and touches the cone with their right hand, turns 180 degrees and runs 10 yards to left and touches the cone with their left hand, turns 180 degrees again and runs back through the starting line.
Anaerobic Endurance
10x30m Repeated Sprint Ability Assessment
*Repetitive, high-velocity running is a trait which is conducive to field hockey success from a relative positional sense and, as such, is an important fitness component of team performance.
-Mark a 30m distance with a set of cones. Athlete runs out to the far 30m line, turns 180 degrees and returns back to the start line. A beep occurs every 20s, and as such, the goal is to get out and back in 13s or less. At 13s, the player will get 7s rest. Continue for 10 straight repetitions (3:20).
Aerobic Endurance/VO2 Max
30/15 Intermittent Fitness Test
Vertical Power Production
Vertical Leap Assessment
*Vertical leap is an effective assessment of relative power, explosiveness and muscle fiber type predominance.
Linear Power Production
Broad Jump
*The broad jump is an indicator of linear power production and muscle fiber type predominance.

Director of Strength & Conditioning, USA Field Hockey Women’s National Team